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Keyword Research is Essential for Online Success

Effective Keyword Research is the
Keystone of a Healthy Customer Journey

Watch this short video and discover the importance of this often looked over, very important, task. Also, if you still need to set up Google Analytics tracking on your website, see this short article on migrating to Google Analytics 4 to get going!

Why is keyword research important in digital marketing?

Keyword research is essentially the foundation for several aspects of your online presence, especially with most major search engines such as Google and Bing. Effective digital marketers have a sound process for doing this keyword research, will utilize and rely upon that research for the unforeseen future, having the ability to take that research and utilize it across multiple areas of your website, digital marketing and social media efforts. Better keyword research leads to better URL and website structure, which ultimately leads to better organic rankings on Google searches, for example, and ultimately results in more traffic and a bigger bottom line.

Knowing how to perform solid keyword research, manipulate and interpret the data found, and utilize that data effectively in several aspects of your website, including your local SEO and PPC management efforts, is a crucial skill in obtaining better organic rankings.

Identify, and map out, the journey you want your website visitors to take after they arrive to your website. We like to pretend that we are coming to our site for the first time, placing ourselves in our visitors’ shoes. Below are a few points to why keywords play such a large role in accomplishing the ideal experience for your current and future website visitors.

Example Website User Journey Using Google

  1. User types a search term into Google’s search engine or into their browser
    1. This action results in millions, sometimes billions, of results in a fraction of a second
      1. If your website’s pages are indexed properly, your website may be included within those search engine results pages, or SERPs for short, along with possible Google My Business Listings, Google Ads, and more information nested in knowledge graphs, maps, and more
      2. There are usually 10 results on each page, making the top 10 results the highly sought after ‘First Page of Google’ – positions 11-20 being the second page, so on and so forth
      3. Let us use a concrete example from the past 7 days timeframe: for this site, the term ‘denver seo consultant’ has an average organic ranking of 13.3, which means the page,, is ranking on average 13.3 every time that term was searched over the past 7 days across the United States as of today’s post
      4. Obviously, being on the second page is not going to be as effective as being on the first page if I want people to click onto my organic listing for that term. Furthermore, if I am at the top of the first page for that term, inevitably, I will be better off than being at the bottom of the first page to get more traffic to my website – the ultimate goal is to show up as high on the first page as we can, ideally “above the fold” on the SERPs, for as many terms that relate to your website theme as possible. This usually results in more clicks, or traffic, to your website and a bigger bottom line overall
  2. User reads the headlines and summaries of the first 2 pages of Google SERPs (this is not likely behavior today, but for ease of use, it would offer an equal opportunity for the keywords placed in those summaries to include your top sought after keyword and be read by potential visitors), including all ads and all organic listings
  3. User chooses your headlines and descriptions as being the best fit for their original search given the results Google has offered them and clicks onto your organic search listing and lands on your website, hitting the page that best ranked for that term
  4. User immediately sees that the page they have landed on contains the same term (or a term very similar) that they typed into the search engine initially when beginning their journey
  5. As they quickly scroll through the page with one last attempt to confirm that this page is indeed what they seek, they begin to read other headlines on the page that relate to the original term they typed in, learn more about other topics related to their original search plus the opportunity to watch a video also supporting the same topic
  6. User decides to take action and fills out the form, or calls the number directly (if on mobile) or clicks into the email option sending an email directly
  7. User receives timely contact from the website administrators and now transitions from lead into customer

What do I need to know about keyword research?

Question to ask yourself? How much of that depends upon the keywords being placed in several areas of this journey, reassuring the user every step of the way? How many users fall off before taking action and reaching out? How many never start the contact process at all?

If you need a nudge in the right direction, especially for keyword research for Denver SEO, give us a call today (970) 456-1098 or contact us.


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keyword research, local seo, ppc
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STU Enterprises Digital marketing Consulting Agency - Logo Design - Targeting the world with proven strategies. Our motto is We don't succeed until our partners do first. Digital Marketing, Today.